Safety Tips

Review the safety tips to learn how you can stay safe when engaging with or being exposed to Hand & Fable games. 

Tip are organized by the type of hazard.

Breaking Hazard prevention

  • Play over carpet or soft ground if possible
  • Ensure a secure hold of the container
  • Maintain physical control of object 

Choking Hazard prevention

  • Keep smaller components of each game away from children
  • Do not place any small components in your mouth or anyone else’s mouth
  • Store in a place out of reach from small children

Puncture Hazard prevention

  • Don’t open the containers
  • If handling wire, avoid edges

Frustration Hazard prevention

  • If temper is building, take a break
  • Keep in mind that this game is meant to challenge adults as well as kids

Looking for more tips?

We want to know about any additional safety concerns, so we can help prevent them. Contact us anytime with questions or comments.

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